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Architect Insight Conference 2010 – SQL Modelling Services
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Robert Hogg is taking part in an interactive session on SQL Modelling Services on Day One of the Architect Insight Conference at Microsoft London.
The fifth annual Microsoft Architect Insight Conference builds once again on the success of previous years with another line-up of compelling guest speakers ready to share their opinions. The theme of this year’s event will focus on how successful architecture is rapidly becoming a key business differentiator both for today’s architect, and for tomorrow’s.
This time round we are moving back to a full two-day, three-track format, with the added flexibility for architects to attend one or both days. There will be three dedicated breakout tracks that will focus on the needs of the Enterprise, Solution and Infrastructure architect and in addition we will run a parallel set of interactive discussion based tracks for those that wish to delve a little deeper.
Time of Day - 11:05 am
Location - Microsoft London (Cardinal Place)